Anyathakhyati by Ben Balusek
I post photos online under the name Anyathakhyati, which is a Sanskrit word meaning the phenomenon of seeing one image as another image that was previously seen – such as seeing a stick as a snake. I try to capture the simplicity and aesthetic beauty of the natural world through landscapes, close-up images, and double exposures. I also occasionally shoot portraits, bands, and city life. Most of my photos are of the Southwest, however, I love to travel and capture beauty wherever I go. All my photos are shot on 35mm film and are unedited.
Anyathakhyati is “the process of mistaken false picturisation of an object at the sight of another similar object through the revival of the impression of the past experience of the first object. The theory that the snake seen in place of a rope is on account of having seen a snake somewhere previous to the present illusion” according to
Ben Balusek is a film photographer based out of El Paso, Texas