Five & Dime by Austin Reynolds

Five & Dime by Austin Reynolds

This is a collection of cheap, honest photos, like finding a bargain at a thrift store, I think of this ongoing series the same. A democratic perspective gives a fresh approach to your environment, photographing where you live unravels the mysteries that are overlooked. Repetition and do diligence finds meaning in the most trivial. As time moves on, your eyes adapt differently and your perspective changes, what you may see now, changes tomorrow. Austin Reynolds

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Reynolds Austin Five Dime Uncertain Magazine

Austin Reynolds (b.1993) is a photographer based in Petaluma, California.