Pluto by Dana Crasser
My friend Yannick and I saw each other at the theater for the first time a few months ago because he happened to be sitting next to me. I saw him and I knew I just had to take a picture of him one day. I had never felt such energy before. Since I’ve been immersed in astrology all my life, I immediately noticed his vibe and felt that he had to be a Scorpio. So I wrote a poem about him at home.
Lucky me.
I’ve seen your face.
Pluto on earth.
In it’s most beautiful form.
Stumbled around.
Catching shadows.
Fulfilling brightness.
I wished all my life for a wonderful coincidence like this.
We went in different directions and I wished to see him again. I firmly believed that I would see him again. 2 weeks later I was invited to a party and suddenly he was standing in front of me. I asked him “Are you a Scorpio?” and he said “Yes!”.
With my film series “Pluto” I try to show how wonderful restraint, shyness and coincidence can be. I had to capture his fragile soul somehow without destroying it. Then I carefully inserted the film into a special film soup that underlines the effect of the images.
Model: Yannick
Dana Crasser is a film photographer and model from Germany