Special #2 – Summer of ’18 – Submissions OPEN

Special #2 – Summer of ‘18 – Submissions OPEN


We are excited to spend our first summer as a magazine so we decided to document it.

The next project, that will take shape into an online special edition zine, is a summer journal gathering different stories that took place between June and September, 2018.

As usual there is that one element essential to our community – analog photography.

Maybe the summer of ‘18 will be meaningful. You will witness social/political changes, you will travel, you will transform or spend time with your family. Maybe you’ll just hang out, go to the beach or spend all your money on festivals. There will definitely be a story you will want to tell and remember, so why not share it with us?

Submission are now open for UNCERTAIN Magazine Special #2 – Summer of ‘18


More details on the Submission Page.

Discover the previous zines.


Don’t forget to share it with your friends! ☀