Looking for Paradise by Lars Kemnitz
I have always been fascinated by the magical mystery of nature. During the past months I often went for long walks or took my bike to explore nearby woodland and meadow areas. It was my way to escape reality for a moment and turned out to be quite inspiring.
For this story I collaborated with Hannah, a talented actress, for the first time. It is about a woman who missed being surrounded by nature and wants to reconnect with it, but is uncertain how to do so. That is why she feels a little lost amidst the lush gold and green of grasses, bushes and trees. Her longing for finding some sort of personal paradise is accompanied by doubts about the place she belongs to.
I think this is a feeling many of us experienced lately. We started questioning our way of life, our goals and re-evaluated our priorities. Being out in the nature had a catalyst effect. And I am sure that it is a major part of the solution as well. Facing the enormous challenges of today and tomorrow it is necessary that we fall in love with nature again.
Model: Hannah Dalmeyer (@hannahdlmyr)