Mapa Abierto by Denise Cárabez

Mapa Abierto (Open Map) by Denise Cárabez

Maps guide us and give us the coordinates to where we are and where we are going to.

The journey lies between the unknown, the desert, the forest and the beach. There are reference points that remind us just how close we are from the Earth, and how, without even noticing, we feed from the sun.

Oranges and greens, circular movements, the Earth and everything repeating once and again. A constant cycle of dying and being born. Hand in hand together and that drop of water that recognized the rock.

We are not really here. Nature

Text: Eduardo Villanueva (@voncosmos)

Denise Cárabez is an audiovisual artist born in Mexico and based in Barcelona. She works as a photographer, videographer and producer.